Association Collection Law Firm
• • •A Full-Service Law Firm Providing the
Best Assessment Collection at the Lowest Cost
The Rickel Law Firm, P.C., is a national, full-service, Centennial law firm specializing in a range of Legal Services essential to the ongoing success of every Community Association.
Association Attorney
Are you seeking professional legal support for your homeowners association or condominium management? Rickel Law's dedicated team of experts includes experienced Association Lawyers and Association Attorneys who specialize in HOA and Condominium Association Law.
Our Condo Lawyers and HOA Attorneys are well aware of the intricacies surrounding community association law, ensuring comprehensive and effective legal representation for your HOA, or condominium association. Whether you're dealing with delinquent dues, governance issues, contractual matters, or dispute resolution, our HOA and Condo Lawyers are here to guide you through the complexities of association law. And our delinquent dues collection service often comes at no cost to the association.
If your association is looking for unparalleled legal support, choose Rickel Law. Our expert team is committed to serving you and your association with precision and dedication, providing results that bring true customer satisfaction.

National Centennial Law Firm (Established 1899)
General Counsel Specializing in Community Association Law
Respectful, Cost-Effective Collection of Delinquent Association Assessments
Utilizes the ONYX Case Management System
"You all really did a great job of answering all our questions fully."
- Paul (Hawaii)
"Thank you for your Law Firm’s excellent service and prompt endeavors to keep delinquencies from accumulating, and faithfully getting back-fees repaid. One of the best decisions I have made as President of our Association Board."
- Bill S (Hawaii)
"Rickel Law is the only Attorney that does it this way (no-out-of-pocket-costs), which is great for us!"
- Kim H. (Hawaii)
"Rickel Law does a great job! Working with them has been worry free."
- Steven N. (Virginia)
"Rickel Law has really done a terrific job for our association."
- David (Missouri)
"With their process we don’t have to make a decision every week. It’s simple and it works! We turn a case over to them and the work gets done. Our delinquencies used to be in the 20% range. Now they are down to single digits. The best part is that most cases are resolved at no cost to the association."
- Susan (Hawaii)
"Thank you for the great job you have done for us!"
- Cheryl (Virginia)
"The information was insightful for all of our members to better understand the collection process. Very professionally done."
- Rick D (Michigan)
“Thank you for doing an outstanding job on collections”
- Elizabeth (Missouri)
“Rickel Does The Best Job Ever”
- David C. (Missouri)
“We are very glad that we began this relationship with Rickel Law”
- Bruce (Hawaii)